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Work in Progress

by purelife on February 28th, 2011

Como ya anunciamos, este sábado, parte del equipo de Pura Vida, estuvo en el Civivox Condestable, hablando de los entresijos del proyecto.
A pesar de que mucha gente pensaba que íbamos a proyectar la película, al enterarse de que no era así, y que se trataba de una “charlaâ€, no abandonaron la sala y nos escucharon durante la hora y media que duró la presentación.
Migueltxo Molina y Pablo Iraburu, directores de Pura Vida, hablaron de cómo surgió la idea, su satisfacción con lo rodado y el estado actual del montaje. Marga Gutierrez e Itziar García, se encargaron de describir el proceso desde el punto de vista de la producción: desglose de guión, rodaje en 9 países, financiación y promoción, entre otros temas.
Queremos agradecer, desde todo el equipo, vuestra presencia y apoyo. Y a los que se quedaron fuera, pediros perdón. Esperamos que podamos contaros todo esto en otra ocasión. Si no, habrá que esperar al estreno!

As announced, this Saturday, part of the Pure Life team, was in the Civivox Condestable, talking about the intricacies of the project.
Although many people thought we were going to project the film, to learn that it was not, and that it was a talk, did not leave the room and listened to us during the hour and half-long presentation.
Migueltxo Molina and Paul Iraburu, the directors of Pure Life, spoke of how the idea, their satisfaction with the road and the state assembly. Marga Gutierrez and Itziar García, took charge describing the process from the point of view of production: script breakdown, shooting in 9 countries, financing and promotion, among other topics.
We want to be grateful, from the whole team, for your presence and support. And those who remained out, to ask your pardon. We hope that we could tell you all that in another occasion. If not, it will be necessary to wait to the premiere!

From → The movie

One Comment
  1. mariano morán bonaut permalink

    It was awesome, in particular some parts that showed the annapurna mountain…the sound was incredible as if the mountain really could roar to you…I was really impressed with the magnitude of the porject…congrats to the team

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